
Skruf Superwhite No. 63 Purple Cassice Strong Slim

Nicotine Pouches






13 mg/g


17.3 g

Tobacco free and strong nicotine pouches that deliver a refreshing black currant and mint flavor!

CHF 6.31
Skruf Super White Slim Solbär No.3 and its tobacco free nicotine pouches treats you to a tasty and stimulating experience. It delivers satisfyingly strong kicks together with a flavor that combines fruity black currant with icy tones of mint. The filling used consist of natural plant fibers, a high-quality and all-white filling that both ensures that these pouches won’t stain and that they provide a low drip experience. This in turn makes sure that they deliver a long-lasting release of both flavor and nicotine. You can now order your Skruf Super White Slim Solbär No.3 straight from our fresh stock online right here at

Marke Skruf
Hersteller Skruf Snus
Kategorie Slim, Nicotine Pouches
Geschmacksrichtung Fruchtig
Stärke Stark
Nikotin/Portion 9.37 mg/Port
Nikotingehalt 13 mg/g
Nettogewicht 17.3 g
Portionen 24
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